Counseling Center: Remodel Photos

Before and after pictures of the posterior portion of the building. This remodeling transpired shortly after the purchase of the building in January, 2009, in compliance with construction codes and standards.

The exterior resurfacing and then a fresh coat of paint, gave the center some vitality and the “face-lift” that it longed for.

The young adult group from a neighboring church in Ploiesti worked long, hot hours, volunteering more than 600 hours of sanding, scraping and cleaning to help prepare the walls, ceilings and floors for remodeling resurfacing.

Cleaning the root cellar prior to reconstruction will provide clean, safe storage and space for office items

A well seasoned, contracted carpenter has handcrafted new solid wood interior and exterior doors for the center. This provides security and a sound proof barrier from room to room creating a confidential atmosphere for counseling children, women and entire families.