Spokane / Connecticut Mission Team 2018
Medical Outreach in the rural villages
Getting prepared to combat the mosquitoes
Sarah and Alex
The Intake Team
A very satsfied customer with the perfect set of glasses !
From somewhere comes the perfect capuccino on a warm afternoon.
The perfect hostess in the village.
Events in the Women's Center for women and children.
The Luau at the Women's Center
Reconnecting with good friends - planning for the week.
The Team debriefs in The Netherlands
Spokane Medical Team Returns to Ploiesti, July 2017
Glasses are provided to community members in the villages
The exam room
Fun Run 2017
Teaching a "Healthy Cooking" class in the Women's Center
Children's activities at the Center
Goodies provided by Elizabeth Baker
American Medical Team Goes to Prahova County 2016
Teaching in the Women's Center
Art classes for moms and daughters. Learning to paint a story about self esteem.
Wilma teaches a class on caring for loved ones at the end of life.
Fun Run 2015
Celebrating with the Winners !
Hosting a Ladies Tea at the Center
Fun Run - Ploiesti
Motivating the Community to Exercise
Medical Team Helps in Rural Villages 2015
Cal Walker, retired Chief of Police, visits Ploiesti, Romania
October 2014
Cal Walker, retired Chief of Police from Spokane, Washington, visited the Prahova police department for training and collaboration. On the first day of training, Cal presented to the Chiefs of Police. A great day of information exchange took place.
Cal made friends with his Romanian peers and shared his expertise with them as police counterparts with the same trouble and difficulties administering the laws related to domestic violence.
Cal presents to the "street cops" from all of the precincts in the county.
The first fundraiser in Ploiesti brought many supporters together. Cal presented a very interesting life story of his journey in the police force helping families afflicted by domestic violence.
Cal and Paula Oprea, Director of the Women's Center speak to the attendees of the fundraiser Hotel Central.
Cal speaks out publicly on Radio SOS in Ploiesti.
American Medical Team Visits the Women's Center in Ploiesti, Romania
Several workshops on hearlth care topics are offered for women in the city of Ploiesti. These are special events which take place only when the American medical team visits each summer. In 2014, the workshops included topics including medical emergencies in children, learning CPR, and other related subjects that are relevant to young mothers.
Cardiopulmonary resusitation is important to mothers of children with special needs.
Classes for teenagers about age related issues. Facilited by Laura deRuiter.
Elise performs a drama from Max Lecado's work - You Are Special - for the children at the Center.
Jodie, ARNP, gives a lecture on kidney stones and gallstones. (above)
Melinda shares her story with the women at The Center.. (below)
Americans and Romanians, working together.
Serving in the rural villages. Providing charity medical care.
Working with women in the medical clinics is meaningful work. Hundreds of men and women with limited access come to the clinics for help, medication, advice, and counseling. Romanian translators assist with the communication with patients.
The Annual Fun Run 2014. The second annual Fun Run took place in the city park. Everyone was invited to attend, participation was free, and there were many prices for participants of all ages. Four main events were held in four seperate areas of the park. The 440 meter race, long jump, soccer shots on goal, and the basketball shoot.
Lots of Fun Run winners ! Contestants of all ages
Frequent news updates will be available on the website for your perusal. It is our desire to keep our donors informed regarding the activities and interventions of Transition’s Gate in hopes that our transparency and efficiency will encourage your continued support.
American Team Visits the Center
In July, 8 Americans visited the Josephine Knox Women's Center. Their goal was to offer interesting classes, workshops and clinics for the clients and other visitors to The Center.
Shelly Quinton, ARNP, presented a class titled, "Early Childhood Development". This class was attended by many young mothers. The information was enthusiastically received with several questions following the presentation.
Katy, RN from Spokane, WA, was the featured speaker at the women's tea on Saturday, July 20, 2013. Sharing her personal story of brokeness and depression, the attendees heard the heartfelt testimony of this young wife and mother.
Alcohol Recovery Programs
In October of 2010, a small team from Spokane,WA visited the Women's Center to start weekly alcohol recovery programs for the purpose of assisting families who are traumatized by alcoholics living in their homes. Due to the strategy and couseling provided through these new programs, spouses and children can now find help and encouragement.
Women's Center Inauguration
On April 20, 2010, the Women's Counseling Center opened in Ploiesti, Romania with a full day of events.
Paula Oprea visits Transitions Gate
Paula Oprea, President of Compassion & Care, an NGO in southeastern Romania, visited the Inland Northwest and was the
featured speaker for Transition's Gate on numerous occasions in February 2010.
Women's center holds first event
September 15th, 2009, the first women’s event was held in the center, though the remodeling was not yet complete. Women of all ages learned about the future use of the building and the importance of community input, volunteer services, practical and financial support in addition to the critical access that the counselors and ancillary staff will provide for women and families in Ploiesti and surrounding communities.
Spokane team remodels women's center
A medical team from Spokane, WA, visited the women’s center in Ploiesti, Romania, in July, 2009. Hundreds of volunteer hours painting, scraping and sanding were donated.
Transition’s Gate is a Guest on National Television, Romania
Transition’s Gate and Compassion & Care, as guests on a talk show, discuss domestic violence and the problems for women and families.