The Story of Transition's "Gate"
The gate; strong, fortified and private. Sometimes a gate provides safety but for those trapped behind a closed gate, it can cause isolation and loneliness. It may resemble imprisonment, cold and dark.
Transition’s Gate, a ministry which evolved over the past decade, was formed to chart a path to restoration for women and children victimized by violence, abuse, human trafficking and other destructive atrocities forced upon the innocent by perpetrators, either known or strangers.
The “gate” of this ministry provides a way to safety and emotional, spiritual and physical help. Hope, like a light beaming through the open gate, is lovingly offered to the families seeking help and hope through the work of our volunteers at the women’s center in Ploiesti, Romania. Our gate at the center is open to all who need compassion and restoration.
Visit www.dynastyfinejewelry.com to see the "Gate" pendant, the signature piece which illustrates the strength and freedom of an open gate.
Women's Center Inauguration
On April 20, 2010, the Women's Counseling Center opened in Ploiesti, Romania with a full day of events.
At 9 a.m. a Dedication Service was held in the building which brought together multiple community church leaders, friends and family to dedicate the building, the staff and the work which will be done there in the future.
At 7 p.m., a hosted dinner was given by Compassion & Care for supporters and friends who were key to the development of the Center. A warm and gracious thank you presentation was given by C&C's President, Paula Oprea.