Mother's Day Hanging Flower Baskets
Order today and pick up on Saturday, May 11, 2013.
Pay by PayPal or send a check or money order to:
Transition's Gate, N. 12402 Division #248, Spokane, WA 99218
Just $30 per basket. We will delivery anywhere in Spokane County.
Order Form
Please reserve ________ baskets at the cost of $30 per basket. Total $ ________________
_____ I will pick up my basket when I am notified of date and location.
_____ I would prefer that my basket is delivered to me by May 10, 2013
Name: ___________________________ Address ____________________________________
City: ______________ WA ___ Phone_________________email _________________________
Mail check and order form to : Transition's Gate, N 12402 Division #248, Spokane, WA 99218
Print this page, complete the form and mail with payment.
Credit card information- Name on card ____________________________________________
Visa or Master Card # _________________________ Exp Date ________ Security # _______